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terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2014

Um tesouro escondido no Mediterrâneo: Man-rocks

Um tesouro escondido
no Mediterrâneo: Man-rocks
[ arqueologia ]
Şeytan Deresi Valley, Mersin, Turquia

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A hidden treasure in the Mediterranean: The 'Man rocks'
After +Pierre-Emmanuel Lenfant on FB

The Adam Kayalar (man-rocks), located on the sheer slopes of the Şeytan Deresi Valley in the southern province of Mersin, often take visitors by surprise with their large-scale human reliefs, which are estimated to have been made between the first century B.C. and the second century A.D.


Photo: The reliefs on the rocks are thought to have been made over the course of around 250 years. AA photos

fonte CARAA - Centre d'Analyses et de Recherche en Art et Archéologie - no Google+

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fotografia de abertura - um pormenor do sítio arqueológico - do sítio internet Panoramio - Photos of the World [ autor - Halil Bil ] a quem agradecemos.

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